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CBT (Cognitive behaviour therapy) is a psychological treatment that is based on research into learning theory and cognitive theory.


Learning theory believes that our behaviours and responses were learned earlier in life and evolve through improved learning or change through new learning. In CBT treatment we use this by identifying behaviours in the individual that are currently negatively affecting the individual and by using various tools such as exposure (to approach what you are frightened of) to create new learning for a specific behaviour that is adaptive to the individual's current situation.



Through research in cognitive theory, we believe that the individual possesses various so-called cognitive structures. These structures develop at a young age and subsequently influence, among other things, how the individual interprets, remembers, and makes decisions in situations that arise throughout life. In CBT treatment, we can create opportunities to change these structures through understanding, new learning, and experience-based learning.



ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) is a psychological treatment based on classic CBT. However, it is slightly different from CBT in that ACT means that you work towards changing attitudes to thoughts rather than changing the thoughts. Instead of reducing symptoms, you also work towards a valued direction and a higher quality of life. Valued direction means that the individual values things in life such as relationships, friends, or career and has a desire to move towards them. The treatment uses various tools to achieve this, such as teaching the individual to distance themselves from their thoughts, learn to accept negative feelings and thoughts, identify their valued direction and become more flexible in their actions.

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MCT (metacognitive therapy) is a psychological treatment that has gained increasing scientific support and has shown to be effective for depression and various anxiety syndromes. This treatment focuses on the individual's assumptions about their thoughts as well as their attitude towards their thoughts. To do so, you first need to identify the individual's assumptions about their inner processes. By altering the individual's assumptions and relationship to thinking and thoughts, it is possible to enhance the individual's quality of life and functioning.



IBCT (Integrative Behavioural Couple Therapy) is a treatment method for relationships based on the same principles as CBT, ACT, and MCT. The treatment method aims to increase understanding and acceptance of each other and, based on that, a joint work forward in the relationship. The treatment is based on the case formulation, which consists of a number of differences that arise during the assessment phase and the various factors underlying this. The factors being analysed are the individuals' differences, the individuals' emotional vulnerability, external circumstances, and the individuals' interaction techniques. By identifying this and making it visible to the parties, interventions can then be initiated, usually starting with communication skills and acceptance exercises. Once these skills are sufficiently strong, classical change management can begin. 



OBM (Organisational Behaviour Management) is an evidence-based psychological method to bring about positive change in an organisation. This method involves working towards certain set goals. The goals are set after an analysis of the organisation, which includes interviews with managers and employees as well as the goals and values of the organisation.

Working towards the set goals is achieved through behavioural change throughout the organisation that is rooted in the staff. This often requires that you also work with other changes in the organisation to create conditions for the desired behavioural changes.

Organisational change through OBM has been shown to lead to more effective change, an improved working environment, and more satisfied staff.

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